Just as our wardrobes lighten up in summer, so does our attitude to jewellery. With a ‘more is more’ approach to layering for a fun boho, eclectic feel, here are nine of our favourite luxe pieces to achieve the laid-back look, plus five tips on how to style them.

Styling Tips

1. Don’t be afraid to mix metals. You don’t have to be in the gold or the silver camps. Why not try different metals, but matching stones – or similar chains in mixed metals? The key is to have fun with it.

2. Think about layering necklaces of different styles and proportions to stop the look becoming too matchy-matchy. Think vertically, as well as horizontally; a bar necklace at the throat with a longer pendant to draw the eye down works beautifully.

3. Try and stick to the ‘rule of three’, or any odd number. It will help your layering efforts look intentional and curated.

4. Think about your outfit. Layering necklaces mustn’t fight with your neckline. An open relaxed linen shirt or v-neck tee works best to show off your necklaces in all their glory.

5. Don’t be afraid to mix heirloom with costume. Wear pieces with a story that bring you joy and you will naturally gravitate towards a jewellery collection that works together.

By Lydia Mansi
July 2020


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