The government released its 1000-page climate strategy last month, laying out its plans to meet the UK’s net-zero ambitions – including carbon capture projects, nuclear energy and wind farms. But what can we do as individuals on a smaller scale to tackle climate change and support our planet at a household level?

In time for Earth Day, here are seven quick but long-term habit changes we can all commit to, for the collective climate good.

Home Help


Doing a household inventory and cleaning up your climate act will all make an incremental difference, not only to your carbon emissions but to your household bills too.

- Do switch to low-energy LED light bulbs.

- Do look for energy-efficient appliances and use ‘eco’ settings where you can to save energy and water.

- Ditch the tumbler dryer for line-drying.

- Investigate grants for a ground-source heat pump instead of a gas- or oil-fuelled boiler.

- Finally, check your insulation. There is no use in efficiently heating your home if it is poorly insulated. Start here to ensure any energy spent is not wasted.

Making Strides


Try and make a conscious effort to think ‘could I walk, cycle or take public transport instead?’ before automatically reaching for the car keys. Look for car-share schemes to join for those regular journeys, like the daily commute to spread the carbon load when you do have to take the car.

Eat Your Greens


Switching from a mixed to a vegetarian diet can reduce your carbon footprint by up to 500 kilograms of CO2e per year (or up to 900 kilograms for a vegan diet)*. It doesn’t have to be a hard-and-fast switch –consciously choosing to go plant-based more often will have a great impact.

Stay Grounded


Taking one less long-haul return flight can reduce your carbon footprint by up to almost two tons of CO2e*. Europe is opening up a number of interconnecting rail routes this year to make it more feasible to travel flight-free to many popular destinations. Check out Seat 61, which takes the hassle out of working out your route for you.

Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Recycle


Every kilogram of textiles produced generates about 17 kilograms of CO2e*. Reducing the number of clothes you buy and repairing, swapping and recycling the ones you do own will help lessen the impact of your wardrobe’s carbon footprint.

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is


Look at your investments, accounts, ISA and pensions. If they are being invested on your behalf by a bank or company, investigate if they have a ‘green fund’ that you can transfer your money into, to support environmentally sustainable businesses.

Be Water Smart


Whether it’s putting the washing machine on only when it’s full, taking a shorter shower or setting up water butts in your garden to harvest rain, being water smart at home and consciously conserving where you can will not only lower your bills, but lessen your carbon-emissions, too.

Here Are 5 Websites To Check Out For More Tips And Ideas

Energy Saving Trust

Carbon Neutral Britain

United Nations

Rebellion Global


By Lydia Mansi
April 2023