Having an arsenal of tools, products and just a little bit of know-how will help you care for your clothes to extend their wear and keep their fibres in tip-top shape. If you are thinking about popping your knits back into storage as the weather warms, a few preventative moth deterrents and a good wash before you put them away will ensure they come out again next autumn in ready-to-wear condition.
We are all guilty of putting our clothes in the wash basket after just one wear. Instead, why not invest in clothes refreshers; a steamer; or try a good old-fashion airing on the line. The less we wash our clothes, especially delicate fabrics like silk and cashmere, the longer they will last us.
Finally, the lost art of ‘make do and mend’ is having a timely revival amidst the climate emergency. A simple sewing kit and an hour on a YouTube tutorial and you will be armed with all the know-how to darn that sock or sew on that errant button – good as new.
Here are 15 buys to help you care for your wardrobe.

Clothes Care Edit: 15 Products To Clean, Care And Store In Your Wardrobe
Be kind to your wallet and the planet by extending the life of your clothes with these simple tools and tricks.
By Lydia Mansi
February 2024
February 2024

Lydia Mansi
Published February 2024
Lydia is an all-round lifestyle guru, tireless champion of women in business and our resident expert on beauty.