Clare Hornby can’t remember a time when she wasn’t obsessed with fashion. She launched the label ME+EM with her friend Emma Howarth (hence the name) in 2009. It is loved by the well dressed; remember The Duchess of Cambridge rocking their Breton top in a yacht race? Sales flew in true ‘Kate effect’ style. Cara Delevingne, Emma Watson and Claudia Winkleman also wear ME+EM, dubbed ‘under the radar fashion’. Courtesy of e-commerce, a cracking product, social media and a celebrity following, ME+EM fast became a household name.
Clare Hornby of Me+Em

Here Clare puts the spotlight on her favourite fashion newsletter, her hero Natalie Massenet and the blog that gives her a weekly lifestyle fix.

My favourite website... Amazon - Quite simply for saving everyone’s life at Christmas. I am blessed with a large extended family so there is a lot of present buying that goes on and as half the family is male, I can’t give them all ME+EM.

My favourite app is... Hailo (who’ve recently merged with mytaxi) followed by the The Economist Espresso - Hailo as I am always dashing between meetings, and The Economist Espresso for an intelligent view of edited sharp current news which I can read on route.

My blog of choice... Goop - Gwyneth Paltrow’s team curate the best travel / lifestyle content giving me my weekly lifestyle fix.

My internet hero... Natalie Massenet for the obvious reasons - She drove e-commerce forward launching Net-A-Porter. Now I am watching keenly to see her next move as Co-Chairman of Farfetch.

My most recent buy online... flights for our ski holiday - We go as a family every year and the competition between us on the slopes is pretty fierce but so much fun.

Book just downloaded/ read... ‘A Little Life’ by Hanya Yanagihara - I meet monthly with a wonderful group of girlfriends for a book club so this keeps me on my toes with new reads.

My favourite tweeter... Barack Obama - No explanation needed.

My favourite Instagrammer.... my daughters - I always know what they are up to this way.

Social media allowed me to meet... A whole generation of online influencers who have changed the way we all shop.

Most worthwhile newsletter subscribed to... The Business of Fashion - It has built a global following as an essential daily resource for fashion creatives, business professionals and entrepreneurs; I could not do without it.

Stand out online memory... The day we launched ME+EM and now looking back to see how far we have come.

My husband’s screen addiction, it is out of control.

iPhone or Android? iPhone - I am a true convert.

April 2017