2021 Judges
The industry experts who lent their support and expertise to the 2021 GWG Awards.

Courtney Adamo
Mother of five, Courtney ia co-founder of Babyccino Kids, a global lifestyle site for parents, with daily family blogs, useful and friendly parenting advice, child-friendly travel guides, recipes, and edits of stylish things – both for the home and to wear. Through her own website, In The Loop, she also runs courses on family lifestyle, pregnancy, birth and beyond. She has recently launched Tweens and Teens, a three-week course to help understand teens, build stronger relationships with them and make the most of these vital years. All this and a 276k-strong following on Instagram.

Alastair Hendy
Voted at once the ‘World’s Best Food Journalist’ and the ‘World’s Best Food Photographer’, Alastair darts from one sublime creative pursuit to the next. He is by turns, a retailer, a brand consultant for the likes of M&S, an art director; a cookery writer for magazines such as Australian Vogue and Sunday Times Style, a TV presenter and a designer. In 2012, after three years of painstaking renovation, Alastair opened the doors to AG Hendy & Co Home Store, a paean to the utilitarian beauty of life below stairs. Groaning with enamelware, ostrich feather dusters, the most exquisite cleaning brushes, sinks and glassware, it is almost like entering a stage set (Alastair is, after all, a master of scene setting). Follow Alastair on Instagram @alastairhendy and @a_g_hendy_co_homestore.

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